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truck driver

Benefits of Becoming a Truck Driver

14 Nov 2023

In this article, we elucidate the nature of a truck driver's job and enumerate 11 distinct advantages that may come your way.

highway photo U.S.

Kentucky Completes Improvements to U.S. Route 641

08 Nov 2023

Officials in Kentucky are celebrating the successful expansion of the last stretch of U.S. Route 641, connecting the state's vital truck route on Interstate 69 to Tennessee within a growing rural freight corridor.


Guide to Truck Fleet Management

06 Nov 2023

If your fleet heavily relies on daily freight deliveries, the effective management of your truck fleet, including commercial truck fleet maintenance, can make the difference between your business thriving for the long haul or being left behind on the roadside.


GM Delays Electric Pickup Truck Expansion

02 Nov 2023

General Motors Co. It is delaying the opening of its second factory for electric trucks in Michigan, citing the need to save money in light of a slowdown in the growth of sales of electric vehicles.


Ground Freight Forwarding: The Best Bang for Your Buck?

25 Oct 2023

Ground freight pricing may appear straightforward at first glance. All you need is a truck and the goods to ship, right? On a fundamental level, that's true. However, the intricate workings behind the scenes play a pivotal role in the success of ground shipments and can significantly impact how to reduce freight costs.

Sun and truck

Navigating the MCS-150: Everything you need to know

20 Oct 2023

Learn the ins and outs of the MCS-150 form with our comprehensive guide. This invaluable guide was created specifically for motor carriers.